
Lisa is an ethical prude and proud, and this blog is about radical transfeminism; that is, transfeminism done radical, not radical feminism done trans.

The comments policy for this blog is as follows: I, a woman, claim the right, not granted to women, of making up my own damn mind. As such I will publish comments which I want to publish. Think of it like submitting a tiny guest post which may or may not be welcome. I will publish almost all comments which call out privilege, but apart from that, it’s zero trollerance.

9 thoughts on “About

  1. Love it to bits, thank you for being out there adding to the grand unified field of free thinking feminism.

  2. Pingback: communities built on exclusion — the essay and what happened at KinkForAll « a heinous butch

  3. Hello, I am a radical feminist and longtime proponent of anti-transactivism. After reading your blog I am for the first time convinced that radical feminism and trans are not necessarily opposed. Thank you for your bravery and clarity.

  4. “After reading your blog I am for the first time convinced that radical feminism and trans are not necessarily opposed”
    That just made my day 🙂

  5. I’m a radical feminist who has always been dismayed by the treatment of trans* people in radical spaces. Thank you for this space 🙂

  6. hi. I’m a radical cisfeminist who lives in france. As english is not my native language, i’ve done a translation of one of your article: The Gender Ternary: Understanding Transmisogyny. I think this article can be useful in the context here (at least it is for me), and I was wondering if you could allow me share the translation of your text (with your name and your blog’adress of course). As I’m not a pro in this, I’ve let appear the english below. It’s more like a help for reading, actually (anyway it’s the way I see it). You can contact me on twitter @kokorokhic . Thanks.

  7. I’m a gender non-conforming person, and this blog is helping me change my life and approach to all relationships. Thank you so much. As I navigate the terrain of being in relationships with unequal power dynamics, I refer back here and it is like medicine.

    I was originally shown these articles by my good friend who is a privileged cis male. I think he would agree that it has helped his pursuit of dismantling patriarchy in himself.

    Thank you!

  8. Thank you Lisa! Your articles are quite brilliant, and by far the most coherent critiques the intersection between trans and radical feminism that I have ever read.

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